Starter Plan

3 % Daily

  • Minimum : $100
  • Maximum : $10,000
  • Tenure : 3 Days
  • Capital refund at the end of plan

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Medium Plan

4 % Daily

  • Minimum : $2000
  • Maximum : $50,000
  • Tenure : 7 Days
  • Capital refund at the end of plan

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Silver Plan

6 % Daily

  • Minimum : $5000
  • Maximum : Unlimited
  • Tenure : 10 Days
  • Capital refund at the end of plan

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Expert Plan

20 % Daily

  • Minimum : $3000
  • Maximum : Unlimited
  • Tenure : 2 Days
  • Capital refund at the end of plan

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Longterm Plan

10 % Daily

  • Minimum : $3000
  • Maximum : $50,000
  • Tenure : 104 Days
  • Capital refund at the end of plan

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Contract trade Plan

80 % Daily

  • Minimum : $5,000
  • Maximum : Unlimited
  • Tenure : 48 Hours
  • Capital refund at the end of plan

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VAT will be billed to EU customers in line with the applicable rates of their member state unless a valid VAT number is provided.